Your choice of ground engaging tools will have a direct impact on productivity and uptime

Selecting the right Cat® Ground Engaging Tool is crucial in reducing stress on your machine and achieving maximum return from an asset. Designed to protect the machine's buckets, blades and ripper shanks, the wide variety of product designs and sizes allows for maximum wear protection in virtually any type of environment or application. Resulting in less downtime and increased productivity.

Your choice of ground engaging tools will have a direct impact on productivity and uptime

Selecting the right Cat® Ground Engaging Tool is crucial in reducing stress on your machine and achieving maximum return from an asset. Designed to protect the machine's buckets, blades and ripper shanks, the wide variety of product designs and sizes allows for maximum wear protection in virtually any type of environment or application. Resulting in less downtime and increased productivity.

Ground Engaging Tools For Dozers

With its main work tools, the blade and ripper, dozers move ground at mines, construction sites, residential developments and hundreds of other places.Achieve a balanced system by reducing operating costs and maintenance intervals, leading to more productivity. 

Safer, Simpler Installation

Easier handling of edges at first install or during rotation to wear opposite edges.

Minimal Throwaway

Multiple edge sections allow you to rotate or replace only the worn areas.

Improved Productivity

Have both end bit penetration and long cutting edge life, resulting in less maintenance.


Ground Engaging Tools For Motor Graders

Caterpillar offers a wide range of cutting edges for motor graders. Each provides certain benefits when used in the appropriate application. Using the right edge is critical for enhancing production and keeping total costs to a minimum.

There are two basic edge shapes—flat and curved—with serrated edges available in both configurations.

✔ Superior Durability, More Options
✔ Extended Edge Life
✔ Maximum Penetration, Minimum Waste


Ground Engaging Tools For Hydraulic Excavators

Hydraulic excavators are extremely versatile machines used for a variety of purposes. A hydraulic excavator’s main work tool is a bucket, but these machines can also be equipped with hydraulic couplers to pick up a variety of tools.

Cat hydraulic excavator buckets and G.E.T. are designed as a balanced system to increase life while minimizing drag.

✔ Performance & Productivity

✔ Extended Bucket Lifecycle

✔ Enhance Jobsite Safety


Ground Engaging Tools For Wheel Loaders

For wheel loaders, you can choose from Cat Advansys, K Series, J Series and hammerless tip and adapter systems. Each available with multiple tip options for a range of jobsite conditions. Ensuring machine productivity is optimised in every jobsite condition by balancing strength, penetration, and wear life to match conditions.

Ground Engaging Tools For Mining

Our wide range of integrated systems are performance-built to specific application requirements - for the best overall performance and the lowest cost-per-tonne production.



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